Amazing Facts [Very Rare]

Most Amazing Facts

  1. Ever visited Taumatawhakatangihangakoauauotamateaturipukakapikimaungahoronukupokaiwhenuakitanatahu? That's a hill in New Zealand with the longest place name!

  1. The Hollan and Lincoln tunnels under the Hudson River connecting New Jersey and New York are an engineering feat. The air circulate fresh air completely every ninety seconds.
  2. The Chinese gaurded the secret of making silk for 3,000 years. Anyone found revealing the truth would be put to death as a traitor
  3. The Statue of Liberty which was originally a shiny copper colour had turned completely green by the early 1920s due to oxidation.
  4. The Eiffel Tower is re-painted every 7 years!
  5. 60 tones of paint are needed to paint the Eiffel Tower.
Credit - Classmates

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