Why ordered product from Banggood takes much time to reach India | Why Banggood gives the worst service for India.
Hello! Guys, if you are from India and ordered something from Banggood through Air parcel and it takes much time to reach India then, you are on the correct site. I ordered an elephone A6 mini and it takes 6 days to ship but, shipping time is 1–3 days. Another my order goes from India but not in India, first it goes Hongkong, Singapore, Switzerland, Singapore, Switzerland, Hongkong, and Germany is the current status. There is no mistake in typing it a reality, my delivery type is Air parcel. I ordered it on 6.10.2019, Now I am
thinking not to buy products from Banggood.
The tracking details as -- 25 Oct 201920:11Departed transit countryAsendia SCL Germany SWITZERLAND POST
- 25 Oct 201920:11Departure from outward office of exchangeDIETZENBACHT UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION
- 25 Oct 201920:11Item BaggedDIETZENBACH T INDIA POST
- 25 Oct 201920:04Item ReceivedDIETZENBACH T INDIA POST
- 25 Oct 201916:59Arrived in transit country send a SCL Germany SWITZERLAND POST
- 15 Oct 201916:30The consignment has left the origin border point to send a Hong Kong SWITZERLAND POST
- 15 Oct 201915:30The consignment has left the origin border pointSingapore ASENDIA SPAIN
- 14 Oct 201914:43Arrival at origin border point send a Hong Kong SWITZERLAND POST
- 14 Oct 201914:09MailedAsendia Hong Kong SWITZERLAND POST
- 14 Oct 201914:09Posting/Collection852 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION
- 14 Oct 201914:09Item Booked852 INDIA POST
- 14 Oct 201913:43Arrival at origin border point Singapore ASENDIA SPAIN
- 14 Oct 201913:09MailedSingapore
Credit - dynpedia